Monday, September 11, 2023

Blog Post #3 : Eight Values of Free Expression

I took time to reflect on the Eight Values of Free Expression and one of the values that stood out to me was number four. Number four is Individual Self - Fulfillment. I felt this value resonated a lot with me because of the way it allows human beings to express themselves in any way they choose. Growing up I have always been very shy. I used to be scared to talk to others and speak up for the things in life that I believe in. I always cared about what others would think of me and so I stayed quiet. The best decision I made as a child was to join dance. This sport was perfect for me because it allowed me to be able to express myself without using any words and get out of my comfort zone. I used movement and emotion to portray the way I was feeling. This value helps people find themself. It allows for individuals to create their own identity and find who they truly are in this world. These are reasons why I think this value is very important. It should be a good thing for individuals to be unique. 

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