Sunday, December 10, 2023

Final Blog Post

     The first video that I watched was Futurama. This video showed what technology would do for the future of our world. All the future technology shown looked super advanced. There were underwater submarines that would be used to transport goods. There was also a giant machine shown completing the process necessary for a roadway bed to be paved. This "factory on wheels" was able to do about 5 steps in one operation. This would normally be the job of a group of humans however, this new technology seems to be doing the job faster and better than any human can. Another crazy invention that was created is technology that maintains the crops in a desert. The water used would be as fresh as rain. 

    The second video, Tears For Fears - Mad World, was very impactful to watch. It shows how much technology is changing the world we live in. Nowadays people are so attached to their phones and do not know when its time to take a break from our screens. People are incapable of doing simple everyday tasks such as walking and eating without their screens in their face. If we are on our phones all day then we miss out on everything happening around us. We miss out on the pretty skies, flowers, friends/family, and forming new connections with humans around us. If Cinderella and Prince Charming were locked in on their phones all day then they would have never fallen in love with each other. 

    The video showed a fight happening and instead of people trying to stop it from continuing, everyone was recording it on their phones. There was another part where a building was on fire and a lady was posing in front of it taking pictures. This is our generation now. We are losing all sense of physical human emotion. At the touch of a button we are able to send an emoji showing the emotion we are portraying. Social media makes it so easy to fake the person you truly are. People are always faking the way they look or feel. Someone can be feeling so sad and depressed but be posting pictures of them looking like the happiest person. Social media is fake. 

    Cyberbullying is a new thing that has been created from social media. If a video or picture gets posted online then everyone has access to it. People are able to comment whatever opinions they may have on the post. Sometimes the responses are kind but other times it can be very rude and mean. The negative comments obviously hurt the person in said video or picture. The video I watched showed how someone who got cyberbullied was effected. This person was so hurt that they went to the side of a building and jumped off. Instead of people calling for help, they took videos of this event happening. This makes me so sad. Our society is slowly getting destroyed because of technology. It is changing every aspect of our beautiful world. 

    My relationship with technology is probably not the healthiest. I spend a lot of my time on my computer or my phone. It is hard not to use technology at least once a day. It is now a huge part of our daily life. On my computer I am either doing work, online shopping, or watching a movie. On my phone you will find me switching between Instagram, Snapchat, and TikTok. Technology might be taking up a little too much time in my life. However, no matter how much I try technology will always be a huge part of my life. My major is Social Media and Digital Communication. My future job will revolve around technology. So for me there is no escaping technology. 

        Technology does have a positive side. Technology allows us to be able to take pictures and videos. This is a way for us to look back at all the memories we have made. I always love looking at my past trips I have taken, pictures from when I was a baby, or dance videos from the time I used to compete. Another positive aspect about technology is that it helps people communicate from long distances. I currently attend school in North Carolina while my family is back in Miami. Technology allows us to still be able to text, call, and facetime. I am so happy I still have a way to be able to keep in touch with my loved ones. 

    I would say I have a fairly decent online footprint. I am always posting on Instagram and TikTok. On my Instagram people would first see my bio which provides information about where I am from, the school I currently attend, the sorority I am in, and another Instagram account that I use. I mostly post pictures with my friends, family, and trips that I have been on. I love posting pictures I have taken of the ocean and pretty sunsets. On my second Instagram account that I have, I use it to post pictures I have taken. This account is called @sophieophotos. On TikTok I mostly post videos where you see more of my personality. I love making fun videos with my friends or editing cute videos together to make a great TikTok video. One of my TikTok videos has even gotten 1 million views. Which is crazy! Both my TikTok and Instagram accounts are public meaning that anyone online can see my accounts whenever they want.     

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Final Blog Post

      The first video that I watched was Futurama. This video showed what technology would do for the future of our world. All the future te...