Saturday, December 9, 2023

Blog Post #11 : EOTO Presentations

     I really enjoyed watching all the EOTO projects in class. I learned about so many interesting topics such as artificial intelligence, the spiral of silence theory, and gatekeeping. Artificial intelligence caught my eye the most. In the previous blog post I watched a video "In the Age of AI" that talked about the creation and development of AI. 

    The digital age of our world is forever changing because of the creation of AI. Whether we like it or not, AI is everywhere we look and has even entered into our homes. Examples include Siri, Google Home, and Amazon Alexa. These smart home devices are controlled by the simple sound of a person's voice. They answer seconds after a questioned is asked to them. This shows how they are always listening even if you do not think/want them to. 

    AI is a powerful creation that can make life so much easier but does raise a lot of questions about the dangers it may carry. Will AI take over our world as we know it? How many people will have their lives change for the worst because of AI? Do we need to be afraid of AI as it becomes stronger and more intelligent? AI was found to be used to mimic human voices, take over peoples jobs, write essays, and overall do everything a human can do just 10 times better. 

    The future of AI will decrease the amount of face to face interactions and social skills that humans have. People are starting to become more dependent on technology for entertainment and communication purposes. If this continues to increase then all social skills will decline making it possible for all our meaningful relationships to slowly disappear. Excessive time using technology will also create a negative impact in the social development of children. 

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Final Blog Post

      The first video that I watched was Futurama. This video showed what technology would do for the future of our world. All the future te...