Saturday, December 9, 2023

Blog Post #10 : Age of AI

     Artificial intelligence has been taking over our world as we know it. Its characteristics are very similar to the ones of a human mind. For example, both the human mind and AI can learn new information, problem solve, let their creativity run free, and they have very good observational skills. There are still so many questions to be asked about AI. Is this new invention a positive or negative aspect for society? 

    At the beginning of the "In the Age of AI" video that we watched in class, it showed an example of human intelligence vs artificial intelligence. The champion of the well-known Chinese go game faced his toughest opponent yet, Alpha Go. Alpha Go is the AI computer who learned all the important aspects of this game and knows what are the best moves to make that no human would have ever thought of. The computer beat the human 4-1. Everyone was shocked. All the watchers were positive that the human would beat the silly computer. However, they did not know how intelligent this "silly" computer actually was.

    I learned that so many people will lose their jobs and be replaced by AI. A very popular example of a new AI feature that is used by so many is Chat GPT. It can answer any question, write about any topic, teach you the steps to solving a math equation, or even just have a simple conversation with. This new invention is very powerful and could do the work for so many. Chat GPT could write an entire book and take the job of authors around the world. AI can write a song and take the job of song writers. The list goes on and on. 

    The more I think about artificial intelligence, the more it frightens me. China is taking public street cameras and are using them to identify the people walking around the city. These people have no idea how much of their lives the government is actually watching. This makes me wonder if the United States are doing the same. This also makes me think of the popular feature called Siri. Siri is an AI feature on apple iphones. Once a person says the words "Hey Siri" Siri opens up and asks what you need. Siri is always listening. It makes me question how many of my conversations this AI feature has overheard. Will this AI ever turn evil and try to use this against me? 

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