Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Blog Post #5 : EOTO - What I Learned

 On the day of presentations for the EOTO projects, I gained so much new information. Some of the technologies that were talked about were very interesting. I especially enjoyed hearing about the history and impact of Netflix. 

It was originally founded around 1997 by Reed Hastings and Marc Randolph. 

In the beginning, Netflix was a platform that allowed users to rent movies and find movie recommendations that fit their interests. Netflix has grown tremendously since then. 

Netflix jump started the potential for more video streaming platforms. In 2007, Netflix introduced a "subscription video-on-demand model." This new model allowed for Netflix to grow over 24 billion in revenue over 13 years. 

Netflix stands out most because it contains a variety of original movies. User love this type of content. I can vouch because I am one of those Netflix users. Watching originals make us feel nostalgic in the best way possible. They also create for the best laughs, cries, and overall bring people together.

Netflix impacted society by putting attention on different topics of discussion that should be talked about more. This forces conversations to happen. 

More trends are being started because of the Netflix platform too! This includes fashion, furnishing, hair inspiration, etc. 

A negative impact Netflix has on society is binge-watching. This is a very common thing that most people are accustomed to. 


The History of Netflix

Netflix Statistics and Facts

The Netflix Effect

Netflix Impact on Health and Planet

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