Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Blog Post #6 : Anti War

    The instant I opened I was immediately overwhelmed by what I saw. There are multiple different news sources and links to stories. They range from "House Kills Move to Ban Cluster Bomb Transfer" to "N. Korea: U.S. Has World on Brink of Nuclear War." 

    I then explored The American Conservative website. At first glance, this website was much easier on the eyes. There are important stories about recent events that should be talked about more. It is important to know what is going on in our world today. Stories in The American Conservative range from "The Coming of K-12 School Choice Will Also Change Higher Education" to "Yes, Social Media Is a First Amendment Issue." 

    I previously stated that it is important to have a general understanding of current events happening around us. However, I am looking through some of these stories on the following two website and I seem to be uneducated on these topics. These stories have me shocked. I had no idea our world was so corrupt in different ways.

    I sometimes create a bubble. I try to block out all the negative things and solely focus on the positive. Yes, it is important to look for the good in our world but, the bad is equally as important. I understand now that I can not, figurately speaking, live under a rock. I want to start being aware of everything surrounding me. 

    I do not think I am the only person who has never heard about any of the scary news happening in our world. I think these strong antiwar voices are being hidden to protect society. Society is not perfect but we do not want to corrupt it even more. If these news stories can easily get out to the public, it will definitely create chaos. Chaos and disruption is the last thing this world needs after reading multiple articles on what is actually happening behind the scenes. 

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