Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Blog Post #4 : EOTO Project

    The technology timeline shows all the different inventions that were made overtime. It is a cool representation of how fast our world is constantly evolving. We went from carrier pigeons to personalized computers to the first internet browser. I wanted to learn more information on every item however, the first television caught my eye the most. The inventor of the first television is named Philo Farnsworth. Philo Farnsworth is an American inventor who is also known as a technical prodigy since a young age. In 1922, Farnsworth began to work out outlines of electronic television. He was around 15 years old at this time. A year later, Farnsworth decided to attend Brigham Young University while he was still in high school. His main objective in this university was to gain more knowledge in mainly math and physics. He very much enjoyed school and is always looking for ways to advance his knowledge. Sadly, this new journey of his had to come to a pause. His father, Lewis Edwin Farnsworth, died at the age of 58 from pneumonia. This led to Philo Farnsworth to drop out of this prestigious university and move back to Beaver, Utah. In Utah, he went back to his high school studies while also working a job that will make him enough money to help support his family. This setback of his did not stop his determination to his craft. In 1926, Farnsworth partnered with George Everson and Leslie Gorrell. These three put their brains together to bring Farnsworth's vision to life and helped produce his television system. Their collaboration efforts were very successful. Farnsworth made his first electronic television transmission. The transmission was of a straight line. He transmitted this image to a receiving source in a different room. He continued to perfect this fantastic creation of his. In 1928, he finally decided to give a demonstration to the press. 

    His creation of the first television has both positive and negative impacts in people's life. Without Farnsworth's magnificent discover and invention some iconic shots today would not have been possible. For example, shots from the moon and satellite pictures. We are now able to see images on our screen and listen to audio at the same time. Millions of people now have a TV in their household today. Yes, the pros are so important but, the cons are also an essential thing to take into consideration as well. There was a study by Steven Martin and John Robinson saying that the people who spend more time watching TV are those who are least happy with their life. This was a shock to me because I am a huge movie buff but, I am still a happy easy going person. Other cons are that TV tends to make people act more violently, causes an increase in child obesity, people to gain a lower self esteem, and a decrease in quality time spent with family and friends. 


Philo T Farnsworth: The Father of Television

Philo Farnsworth

Philo Taylor Farnsworth

Number of TV households in U.S.

Revolution of Television and its Future

Effects of Television

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