Monday, October 2, 2023

Blog #8 : Privacy, Online & Off

    I will admit, I am an active user of social media. I use it to communicate with my friends, post pictures and videos, and view stories/posts that other people are sharing to social media. Thinking of social media as an electronic tattoo makes me really put the things I do everyday into perspective. Nowadays, people are able to find so much information on a person before even going up to them and asking their name. This makes me wonder if this has ever happened to me.
    "These tattoos will live far longer than our bodies will." This was a statement that Juan Enriquez made during his Ted Talk presentation. Before posting something onto the internet, I do not fully take in what I am actually doing. I am posting for everyone to see and even if I delete it and think it is gone, the post is still out there somewhere.
    The government is able to gain an understanding of our everyday lives by tracking our movements through surveillance. They compare our information to other citizens. We never realize but everyday when we are driving our car we probably pass by a license plate detection camera. This camera detects every car that passes it by and ends up with information about where these people are going during their everyday lives. I had no idea this was happening around me. They do not make this information publicly known. I think the government needs to start being more honest about the actions they do behind closed doors. It is our information that they are secretly keeping. This should not be happening.
    Every time we take a "private phone call" on our cell phones, it is actually not private at all. There could be someone from the government listening in to this conversation. It could also be a hacker, criminal, or even a stalker. I do not like the idea of some random person snooping into my life. I especially would never want this to happen to my friends and family.
    I am glad I have more knowledge on what is actually happening behind the scenes. This is definitely going to make me more paranoid when dealing with technology. It is going to be hard because I use my computer everyday for school and my phone to keep in touch with my family in Miami. I am so scared now that I am being watched through my electronics. This world can be a scary place and I do not want anything bad to happen to me or the people that I love. 

Ted Talk videos posted on Class Blog website

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Final Blog Post

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